In KBC's TV commercial, Amitabh says, "ज्ञान जहां से मिले बटोर लीजिए, लेकिन पहले थोड़ा टटोल लीजिये." "Gain knowledge from wherever you get it, but before that verify it."
What an important message this TV commercial gives us about verifying the validity of any information.
Couple of years back there was a message forwarded on whatsapp which said that according to Guinness book, the toughest course in the world is Indian Chartered Accountancy Course.
In one of my training sessions a participant also made a similar claim. I asked him the source. He type it to search on internet and showed me an article which stated this fact(?). How authentic this article was? What was stated there was not a fact but merely an opinion.
Moreover, if we give it a thought, it's not easy to compare various courses. Also, it's very subjective. What is easy for you, may not be equally easy for me. Rather it could be difficult for me. Still if some one is trying to compare courses, s/he need to identify and mention the criterion for comparison. Even if s/he does that, that, in any case, will be her/his opinion and not fact. And opinions may differ.
If I write an article on "the easiest course of the world" and mention therein CA to be the easiest course of the world, and I post it on internet in that case, if you search on internet "the easiest course of the world," my article will be shown. Can you rely on that?
Graduates of Whatsapp University 😜 make many claims but before believing in that, we much check it's authenticity. As also, we must keep in mind whether information there, is it a fact or merely an opinion. We must act accordingly.
And my opinion 😜 about Indian Chartered Accountancy Course is that it is easy for those who are focused and difficult for those who have many fronts to fight. 😅
What is your opinion?