Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dahi Vada Philosophy: For Professional and Personal Lives

For the then beautiful city of Lahore it was said that “Jin Lahore nai vekhya, woh janmiyan-i nai,” which means that one who has not seen Lahore is not born.
In today’s time we can say this for Joshi’s Dahi Vada. If you have not visited Joshi in Indore’s Sarafa, I will strongly recommend you to at-least once do this.
Dahi Vada: Delicious invitation...
Dahi Vada in itself is such a delicious thing that hardly anyone would dislike it. A soft spongy stuff soaked in fresh and thick curd and garnished with sweet-sour chutney on it and aroma of spices sprinkled on it give us an invitation to enjoy this delicious dish.
Sone pe Suhaga: Joshi’s Dahi Vada at Sarafa of Indore
Dahi Vada and that too from Joshi’s at Sarafa of Indore. The way he welcomes his customers cannot be described in words, its warmth can only be felt.
His sweet way of talking is icing on the cake or so to say chutney and spices on Dahi Vada. He keeps Dahi Vada in a bowl and pours fresh and thick curd on it. He then throws it up from one hand, it spins and goes up, comes down which he catches it in his other hand.
He then hides different spices among his fingers and sprinkle them on Dahi Vada. One is amazed to see his style of doing this.
Joshi’s Dahi Vada teaches us a philosophy for life. Dahi Vada in itself is a wonderful thing. There are many thing to be learnt from it. The way Joshi serves Dahi Vada teaches us few more thing we can adopt in our lives.
Soaked in Water: Free from weaknesses
If you eat a fried Vada you may not like it as it is not just tasteless but oily too. It is therefore first soaked in water for few hours so that oil comes out and it becomes soft. Then it is pressed to remove the water also.
We must also overcome our weaknesses like Vada leaves oil in water and then water also comes out. After we overcome our weaknesses, we face lesser threats.
Absorbing Curd: Open for Value addition
Dahi Vada is made with such stuff that it has a capacity to absorb curd. As stated above after soaking in water, Vada is pressed so that both oil and water comes out. Now it is ready for absorbing curd and also for chutney and spices.
Similarly we must also be ready for value addition. We must also explore what all additions would be beneficial for us. Identifying and overcoming weaknesses is crucial for all of us. Just like that sustained value addition is a must for our growth.
Joshi’s Style: Enjoying our work
Joshi also gives us beautiful messages of life. First and foremost is – while selling Dahi Vada he is always in good mood and he enjoys doing that. He is so cheerful and energetic that his style makes his customers also cheerful and energetic.
We can also work enjoying our jobs. Whatever we do, we can always enjoy it. We can either do what we enjoy or if it is not feasible for certain reasons, we can enjoy what we are doing
Delighting the customer: Making difference for people we serve
Joshi delights his customers with his pleasing style of conversation and highly energetic serving. With his style he delights his customers, he makes their day.
Like Joshi, we can also make it a point to make a difference in the lives of people we serve. We can also aim at delighting the people we serve.
Joshi’s Attention: Power of Now
While actually entertaining his customers, Joshi is always attentive on what he is doing. If he is not attentive he may not be able to catch Dahi Vada. He actually uses his power of now while he serves his customers.
Exercising power of now is something which can always help all of us all the time in whatever we do. Using our power of now helps us do things more effectively and with better efficiency.
Joshi chose different style: Power of Choice
Joshi could also sell Dahi Vada like other vendors do, but he chose to do it differently. He does it in his way and makes a difference. Had he chose the option of doing it like others he may not have had such name, fame and money. With the other option, he is so famous that people take their guests to his shop to enjoy more than Dahi Vada which obviously gets him more business and profit.
We also have Power of Choice all the time and in whatever we do. We can choose to be Victims of circumstances or we can take charge of our own lives. We can choose to pass our day and life just like that or we can choose to enjoy each day of our lives.
What will you choose?
Visit Joshi just to enjoy Dahi Vada or also to learn from it.
Just read the article or also follow the learning's

Wish you a life full of Josh.

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